Missing Witches

We Are Deer Kin

Episode Summary

We are Witches. We are deer kin, and we make our homes in a place called The Edge. Deer live on the boundaries, the borderlands, making a home for themselves in the places between worlds - the spaces between the wilderness and the man-made. It’s the habitat known as the edge where farms meet the forest and backyards meet the backwoods. What happens, Witches, when we take the fence down? When we look at our world from the vantage point of the deer’s path? What happens when we take down the fence that we’ve built between the human and non-human worlds and recognize ourselves as kin? "Each hoof of each animal makes the sign of a heart as it touches then lifts away from the ground." -Mary Oliver "I saw my garden through a deer’s eyes. The whole world became my garden. I decided to take the fence down." -Mayumi Oda www.missingwitches.com/we-are-deer-kin/

Episode Notes
