Missing Witches

IMBOLC: Future Histories of Black Magic - Black Witch Council 2024

Episode Summary

The halfway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox is the perfect time to look back at the past and make assessments. In a literal sense, this is when I know whether or not I have enough firewood to outlast the cold. In a metaphorical sense, we can take this time to look back on our histories, both personal and global, figure out what we did right and wrong, and take those lessons into the rebirth and regrowth of Springtime. The groundhog invites us to examine our shadows. For the past few years Missing Witches has hosted a Zoom circle of brilliant and inspiring Black Witches for a "Future Histories of Black Magic" special to mark Black History Month.  We believe that all of our guests are creating what will be the future of black history with their incredible work. Investigating the past to inform our future, the prompt for this year comes from a quote from Frederick Douglass: We have to do with the past only as we can make it useful to the present and the future. How do we/you make the past useful for the present and future? This year's guests are: Maria Minnis (aka Feminnis), OlaOmi Amoloku (aka Got2BOshun), Nadra Nittle, Christena Cleveland, Marcelitte Failla, Zoe Flowers, Sherry Shone (aka That Hoodoo Lady) and Thea Anderson who weave us through a tapestry of ideas and conversation. We thread together the mother wound, respectability politics, non-liner time, holiness, wholeness, rewriting scripture, mustard seeds, life art, and paradox. This conversation is a spell, a blanket of protection over black witches everywhere. www.missingwitches.com/ep-221-imbolc-future-histories-of-black-magic-black-witch-council-2024

Episode Notes

Maria Minnis (aka Feminnis), OlaOmi Amoloku (aka Got2BOshun), Nadra Nittle, Christena Cleveland, Marcelitte Failla, Zoe Flowers, Sherry Shone (aka That Hoodoo Lady), Thea Anderson
